Enter the Arena.
Will you ascend to glory in the hierarchy of angels, or claim your place on the thrones of hell?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entertheinferno
Discord: https://discord.gg/theinfernoverse
Website: https://infernoverse.com/
We sat down with the creators of Inferno to talk about the project. The origin of the idea came from Dante Alighieri and work at a crypto fund that backed the project Splitnerlands, Gala Games, and Altered state machine. The project draws inspiration from public domain literature to build a metaverse web3 game. The team has former chairman of Vevendi (Ken Cron).
The project will start with 12,000 Inferno Keys.
Use the Inferno Key to mint your helm and secure your place in one of 12 Elite Guilds. Each key represents a Zodiac sign, and can be used to unlock your unique destiny, skills, and elemental powers.
What is Inferno?
† Inferno is a decentralized play-and-earn PvP game set in a dark fantasy adaptation of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. The concept has been developed by a passionate team of AAA industry veterans who have worked on games including Doom, Quake Champions, Halo, Destiny, Outriders, and Assassin’s Creed 2.
† Our team aims to deliver a gritty, narrative-driven arena experience with an emphasis on skill-based competitive gameplay. Unlock elemental powers, craft powerful items to use in battle, and venture through the layers of Heaven and Hell to bring glory to your faction in seasonal competitions.
How do I get the Predestined / Destined role on Discord?
† The Predestined and Destined roles are now CLOSED. (Congrats to everyone who got them!) But don’t worry if you missed out. There will be tons of opportunities to participate in events & giveaways, and to receive mintlist spots–regardless of OG status.
What is the Inferno Key?
† Each Inferno Key corresponds to one of twelve Zodiac Signs (the “classes” in Inferno) and unlocks premier features of the Infernoverse at every stage of development, including the exclusive Genesis Armor Set.
What is the Genesis Armor Set?
† The Genesis Armor Set is an early-access reward that can only be minted by owners of the Inferno Key. Inferno Keys holders will be able to mint 5 individual pieces of armor according to their Zodiac in order to complete a Genesis Armor Set. Each piece will be free to mint + the cost of gas.
† Each complete Genesis Armor Set (Helm, Chestplate, Shoulders, Gauntlets, Legs) will grant its holder access to Inferno’s crafting-based game economy through a variety of trainable professions that provide opportunities to earn and sell items, tokens, and gain additional bonuses to help prepare holders for battle when gameplay launches later this year.
How can I purchase the Inferno Key? Will there be a presale?
† Inferno Keys will be available to mint on our official website at www.infernoverse.com. Stay tuned for more information about how to get on the presale mintlist!
Will my Inferno Key have a random Zodiac sign?
† No! You will be able to choose what Zodiac Sign you want as long as there are still some available left for mint. There will be 1,000 Inferno Keys for each of the 12 Zodiac Signs. So, if you’re a Virgo in real life and you really want to play the Virgo class with the exclusive Virgo Armor Set, you will be able to mint a Virgo Key until Virgo Keys sell out.
What armor is unlocked by the Inferno Key? Will there be different rarities?
† The Zodiac sign on your Inferno Key determines your class. Leo Keys unlock Leo Armor and Leo Skills. Beyond alignment with your Zodiac, Armor rarity will also be divided among the following 7 material finishes: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Tungsten, Obsidian (Dark), and Pearl (Holy).
† Additionally, every piece of Armor will receive a stats score for each of the following; Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Intellect, along with a Zodiac-specific Elemental Bonus. Light & Dark gear receive additional bonuses.
† Helms will be the first item minted in the set and will offer additional rarity traits via three different weight class distinctions: Light, Medium & Heavy.
† A more specific breakdown on Armor stats & rarities will be provided as we near the Armor minting phase.
What are the 12 Honorary Sets? Did the team reserve any items from the mint?
† Of the 12,000 Inferno Keys and 12,000 possible Armor Sets, 12 of each will be reserved as Honoraries, one for each Zodiac. We will distribute these Honorary Keys & Honorary Armor Sets to distinguished friends of Inferno. The armor stats will be randomized like all others, but there will be an aesthetic distinction for the Honorary versions.
† The team will also reserve 88 Keys & Armor Sets for our artists, developers, mods, and for community giveaways (verifiably randomized like the rest of the mints) leaving a total of 11,900 keys remaining for the early mintlists and public mint.
What are the official Inferno links?
† Be sure to follow us here to stay up to date on Inferno!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entertheinferno
Discord: https://discord.gg/theinfernoverse
Website: https://infernoverse.com/
Credit: Source link