The Lost Gate
The Fireman produces vivid AI generated art pieces. His pieces feature bright, vivid colors, surreal portraits of ghostly characters, with a lively and uplifting spirit.
We recently caught up with him and were able to conduct a brief interview.
Hello, Niki, please tell us about yourself.
Niki: I am 29 years old. A Firefighter University graduate. I’ve been working as a
firefighter for 6 years now. I have also finished several firefighter courses in different
countries in Europe. I am in the NFT space since 2021. Started with 0 followers on Twitter in September 2021 gained over 7 thousand. I have already released 3 NFT collections on OpenSea, one of them was sold out in 1 month. Found AI art as a way to escape from my
occupation and eventually I fell in love with it.
Where are you from?
Niki: I am from Bulgaria
In a few words, tell us about yourself?
Niki: I am organized person who likes to pursue his goals. Never leave my unfinished. I love dogs, food and gym. I love cooking and doing some experiments in the kitchen. I am addicted to working out, as it gives my body strength and it clears my mind.
Who is your favorite NFT artist?
Niki: Nguyen Nhut
What is the one piece of NFT art you wish you had purchased but missed out on?
Niki: something by XCOPY
What made you pursue NFT art? What NFT Projects are you currently working on?
Niki: I am pursing NFTs to help new artists. At the moment I am part of AI Mind Collective. A project found by Phil Bosua and focused on the AI future and the AI artists.
I truly believe in that the support in the NFT community makes us different!
One thing you cannot live without?
Niki: I can’t live without Coffee.
We certainly agree with that! How can people find out more about you?
Link to Website: (Lost Faces Mint page)
Social links:
NFT marketplace links:
Special thanks to The Fireman for taking the time to speak with us!
Credit: Source link